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     I have desired to become an educator for a number of years and have discovered my niche evolving through the field of social studies. My life’s passion of connecting with children during their progressing educational journey and my interest of our worlds histories only strengthened my desire to become an educator. During my educational studies in the bachelor’s degree for secondary education I encountered the education technology course led by Dr. Toby Brown.  Dr. Brown was an excellent teacher, introducing students to how technology can transform the classroom and education in the United States. Dr. Brown discovered my interest and developed my strengths in education technology. He recommended I consider the Master’s of Educational Technology program. Living in 









Goals & Philosophy

           My abilities as a teacher continue to mature and I look forward to continually acquiring new practices and pedagogy methods. I want to pursue using technology studies to enrich my ability to become not only a highly effective social studies teacher, but also a highly effective teacher who can redefine education through technology. I want to guide and evolve students’ ability to learn through technology. At the school and district level I hope to make an impact on my colleagues. I’m interested in pursuing the opportunity to be the technology director and aid teachers who need assistance or guidance on using new pieces of technology or ways to improve their content areas. I want to impact the advancement of education through technology integration and design. Leading other districts in the direction of progress through technology leadership would be very rewarding. With the knowledge gained through the Masters of Educational Technology program I hope to benefit my school and district by writing grant proposals. I want to empower my future teachers, districts, and administrators to be innovative with technology in their teaching environments.


     Dr. Ruben Puentedura’s creation of the SAMR model, (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) I believe, best represents my professional goals as a future educator and leader in my field. During curriculum development, design, and integration, using technology as simple direct substitution with no functional change is not enough. Using technology in the classroom that allows for creations of new tasks previously inconceivable will redefine and transform digital learning experiences resulting in higher levels of student achievement.

     Looking towards my near future and the professional goals I have identified and strive to achieve, the Masters program specializing in Educational Technology is my new niche. Redefining the uses of technology in the public schools, districts, and my community can be achieved through the opportunity to study this educational field. I desire to make a difference in my students’ education and more importantly their futures.

"Dr. Brown discovered my interest and developed my strengths in education technology." 

"I want to impact the advancement of education through technology integration and design."

a world where a computer the size of your palm can be accessible within seconds, technology has always been something I have enjoyed and felt comfortable with.

The study of educational technologies will create opportunities for me to build connections beyond the social studies field. My journey and career goals have grown and developed throughout my undergraduate education. My passion for education has expanded to include reaching students, peers, and the educational community through the world of technology.

     The field of educational technology is ever changing. Theory evolves and methods change. Learners vary with every passing year. Throughout my journey consuming the field and what is has to offer, I find myself inquiring about its future. Technologies are firing rapidly at consumers in every avenue of consumerism. And within the last decade, the educational realm has been invaded by its ever-reaching grasp. I now begin to see myself invested in discovering the process of integration. How do these processes work? How will they evolve in the future? Within the cloudiness of questions I find one area of clarity. And that is the learner. Regardless of age, race, or place, education is centered on the learner. I find myself wanting to be apart of the experiences the learner encounters. Within public education, I continue to strive towards facilitating technology integration. But outside the field of education, the possibilities seem endless. I strive to take these practices and skill sets to new industries, new adventures. The field of educational technology and the wonders it’s brought me have no bounds.

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